Join Valida AcSuccess Baby Academy and significantly increase the chances of

  • Teaching your child to read, write and do math consistently until they reach school age.
  •  Having your child being able to read, write and do math at a level significantly above the usual standard for their age, by the time they reach school age.
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It saves a significant amount of your time. When you do the teaching yourself, you spend time:

  • Learning and preparing material
  • Carrying out sessions
  • Keeping record of what’s done and what needs to be done
  • Thinking and planning what to do next



Reduces the chances of you being consistent and ultimately failing in reaching the AcSuccess Pre School goal.


When you join the AcSuccess Baby Academy,  you save your time: 

  • Just put your baby in front of the screen and press play on the day 1 video
  • All the preparation/ thinking/ planning is done for you- Math/ Reading / Writing - 15 years of experience teaching babies and achieving results; all there for you.
  • No need to keep a record of what you have done because all you do the next day is press play on the day 2 video. Then press play on the day 3 video, all the way to school age.
  • For writing, you download and print the pre-prepared sheets for each level.




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Removes the frustration of your child forgetting


Avoids the frustration and sadness you will feel when your child forgets what you taught them: Many children need repetition to learn.


When you do the teaching yourself:

  • It is hard to repeat the materials at the right intervals needed to ensure they don’t forget or get too bored.


When you join the AcSuccess Baby Academy:


  • Each day you play the videos which will include a mixture of new material so your child does not get bored. There is also repeated material, so they don’t forget what they learned before.
  • The repeated material is pre-planned and spaced out, so it repeats at regular intervals.
  • Interactive apps for reading and math help to supercharge their learning.


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Being consistent will be easy 


Easy for you to be consistent with your teaching so your child can learn daily and without big gaps.


When you do the teaching yourself:

  • Remember, to see results, consistency is key so you need to show them material daily. When you do the teaching yourself the likelihood of doing this is very low.
  • Due to life challenges, disruptions, tiredness, etc., you may not achieve this.


When you join the AcSuccess Baby Academy:

  • Despite how challenging life becomes the chance you will be able to sit your child down in front of the screen and press play is very high
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Removes the frustration of not knowing


Removes the frustration of not knowing what to teach or do next.


When you do the teaching yourself:


Being new, it’s hard to know what to teach next and hard to know what to do when you hit a problem.


When you join the AcSuccess Baby Academy :

  • Videos and supporting materials take your child through what they need to know next. It takes them one day at a time with no need for it to concern you.
  • If you hit a problem, we have an online advice section on the website to help you. If that does not help, you can email us at Valida for specific advice.  
  • Takes into account that children achieve results at a different pace. If your child needs longer to get results then the program caters fo them.
  • No need to find a school syllabus for Maths. We have incorporated the syllabus of multiple countries.
  • You won’t ever have to feel the frustration of not knowing what to do because you know we will support you.
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Removes the stress of manual work


Removes stress and tiredness that can be caused by having to physically show the material to your child.


When you do the teaching yourself:

  • You have to show all the material physically to your child.
  • This is tiring at times especially if you have come back from work, have housework or cooking to do, or other children to take care of.
  • Can be stressful and means you are more likely to miss days.


When you join the AcSuccess Baby Academy:

  • Videos for math and reading show the material
  • there is a reading app your child can use 
  • If you join the AcSuccess Baby Academy, your child is less likely to miss teaching days due to the stress and tiredness of the parent.


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A complete programme


No more difficulties finding a complete and suitable programme that takes your child from the beginning to the  AcSuccess Pre-School Goal


When you do the teaching yourself:

  • Using a digital medium is a key part of teaching.
  • It is hard to find complete digital programmes that will take your child from A-Z, especially on Youtube.
  • It is hard to find programmes that will help get results for your child in all 3 disciplines: reading, writing, and math.


When you join the AcSuccess Baby Academy :

  • You have a complete programme in math, reading, and writing that takes them all the way up to school age.
  • Complete a digital programme for maths and reading that takes them from no knowledge to the AcSuccess Pre School goal.  
  • It teaches them the key disciplines including incorporation of the school syllabus, so they are significantly ahead by the time they start school.
  • If you join the AcSuccess Baby Academy, your child will be able to learn from five months, all the way to school age, without any big gaps due to a lack of material.
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Avoid mistakes


Avoid the mistakes of inexperience


When you do the teaching yourself:

  • You’re new and have never done it before.
  • Mistakes will hinder your child’s ability to reach the AcSuccess Pre-School Goal.


When you join the AcSuccess Baby Academy:

  • You benefit from 15 years of our experience. We have made mistakes with our children and we help others learn from our experience and avoid our mistakes.
  • Videos have been checked for accuracy and will do the teaching by showing the content in interesting ways.
  •  If you join the AcSuccess Baby Academy, your child will be taught the right way. You won’t have to try to undo mistakes if you even realize you are making them.
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Lowers the chance of loss of interest


It significantly lowers the chance of your child losing interest in learning


When you do the teaching yourself:

  • Showing children bits of paper can at times get boring for them and cause them to lose interest.


When you join the AcSuccess Baby Academy :


  • Our videos and materials are built to keep their interest.
  • The reading videos show them the words they need to learn to read but do it through interesting, animated stories.
  • The math videos teach math through lively children’s songs which keep their interest.
  • The reading app is interactive and designed to keep a child’s interest.
  • If you join the AcSuccess Baby Academy-The chances of a child losing interest will be significantly reduced
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